Those of you that consistently follow my blog must think I have a scone addition. Truth is, I love them! I continually try to experiment with new ingredients. I f you try one of my scone recipes, please let it be this one.

This are fluffier than traditional scones plus have more of a cake texture. They are not at all dry and super easy to prepare.

Most scone recipes recommend that you form into a circle and then cut into pie-like pieces. But what the heck, just drop them on a baking sheet and you are good to go!


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Brussels sprouts are a part of the cabbage family and date back to 1000 B.C. They were cultivated and gained popularity in Brussels and Belgium during the 13th Century.

Brussels sprouts are low in calories and an excellent source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B-6, and Magnesium.

They generally absorb the taste of the first seasoning used in cooking them. If you are looking for a savory taste, I recommend starting the process by parboiling them in salted water. And, if you prefer a sweeter taste, start with water seasoned with sugar, maple syrup, agave, or another sweetener.

Caution should be used to not overcook Brussels Sprouts. When they become gray-looking it tends to give them a super-strong pungent smell and taste.

The frying for this recipe can be done in a pan, deep fryer, or for a healthier option, an air-fryer.


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YES! I think I finally nailed this recipe. I tasted a kale salad with peanut sauce somewhere in LA several years ago and have been trying to duplicate it. Did I succeed? Nope, but this is even better!


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Hi, I'm Roxanne.

Thanks for stopping by and welcome to my site.

My family heritage is Italian and French so needless to say, I love preparing meals for family, friends and anyone with an appetite and the openness to try something new.

Please make yourself at home and enjoy! I look forward to your comments and suggestions, feel free to send me a note through the Contact Page.


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