Let me forewarn you, because these are bite-sized you may end up popping more than 2 or 3, which is the recommended serving size.

I am really proud of how these tiny delectables turned out. The scones themselves are more of a biscuit-like pastry but with the combination of the maple-syrup infused topping the flavors all meld together to create magic!

The consistency of the glaze should be like maple syrup. Try adding more or less powdered sugar, if needed.


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I saw a recipe this weekend and decided to give it a try but wanted to substitute my own ingredients in place of what the original recipe recommended. I am not a fan of super-sweet foods and these bars deliver just the right amount of sugar to make them yummy but not overpowering.

The next time I make these I think I will experiment with drizzling some melted dark vegan chocolate on top!


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My late mother-in-law had a knack for many things in the kitchen and her two famous desserts were coconut layer cake and peach cobbler. My husband misses his mom so I decided to try and recreate this dessert especially for him. Now, if I can just figure out how to do the same with her gumbo!

Peaches are still in-season and this dessert is great served hot or cold.


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Hi, I'm Roxanne.

Thanks for stopping by and welcome to my site.

My family heritage is Italian and French so needless to say, I love preparing meals for family, friends and anyone with an appetite and the openness to try something new.

Please make yourself at home and enjoy! I look forward to your comments and suggestions, feel free to send me a note through the Contact Page.


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